Friday, May 20, 2011

Paul Krugman didn't win his Nobel Prize for this!

"Public debt isn't as bad a thing as many people believe -- it's basically money we owe ourselves {but mostly the money we owe to our creditors like China; what kind of economic BS is this?}"

Another of Dee Perez-Scott's Pals - Barney Frank

"Homes that are occupied may see and ebb and flow in the price...but you're not going to see the collapse that you see when people talk about a bubble." -- Barny Frank 2005

How wrong can anyone be?

Van Jones Former Obama Green Czar Communist

"There's plenty of money out there. Don't fall into the trap of this whole deficit argument. The only question is how to spend it [we can alway borrow more from China}"

Dee Perez-Scott loves Union Bosses

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, gave a speech in Sarah Palin's home state accusing her of using rhetoric that could lead to violence by her supporters. Trumka's words were certainly disingenuous, because if anybody has a track record of inciting violence, its Richard Trumka. He had a reign as President of the United Mine Workers where his inflammatory rhetoric lead to bloodshed and death.

Pelosi doesn't care if the nation goes bankrupt

Even though we have to borrow from China to pay for them "...We are not going back...Americans can rest assure that the benefits they have earned [or not earned] will remain guaranteed for years to come."

Harry Reid doesn't get it!

"Social Security is the most successful social program in the history of the world."
Okay, Dingy Harry, then why is it going broke and why are its benefits being taxed.